International Shipping

When you place an order with us for international shipping, please note the following important details to ensure a smooth delivery process:
  • Import Duties and Taxes: Customers are responsible for paying any import duties, taxes, or customs fees that may be applied to international shipments. These charges are determined by the customs authorities in your country and are not included in the shipping cost at checkout. We recommend checking with your local customs office for more information about potential fees.
  • Shipping Timelines: International shipments can take time to reach their destination. Once your order leaves our warehouse, it must clear customs in both our country and yours. This process, combined with international transit, may take anywhere from 1 to 3 months before arriving at your doorstep. We appreciate your patience as these delays are often beyond our control.
  • Lost or Missing Orders: We are committed to ensuring your order arrives safely. However, we will not reship an order unless it has been deemed lost or missing for at least 3 months from the date it left our warehouse. If you have concerns about your shipment, please reach out to us after this period, and we’ll be happy to assist.
Thank you for choosing us! We value your business and are here to help with any questions about your international order. For further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.